Source code for synscan.comm

# -*- coding: iso-8859-15 -*-
# pysynscan
# Copyright (c) July 2020 Nacho Mas

import socket
import logging
import os
import select
import threading

UDP_IP = os.getenv("SYNSCAN_UDP_IP","")
UDP_PORT = int(os.getenv("SYNSCAN_UDP_PORT",11880))


[docs]class comm: ''' UDP Comunication module. Virtual. Used as base class. All members are protected ''' def __init__(self,udp_ip=UDP_IP,udp_port=UDP_PORT): ''' Init the UDP socket ''' logging.basicConfig( format='%(asctime)s %(levelname)s:synscanComm %(message)s', level=LOGGING_LEVEL )"UDP target IP: {udp_ip}")"UDP target port: {udp_port}") self._sock = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, # Internet socket.SOCK_DGRAM) # UDP self._sock.setblocking(0) self.udp_ip=udp_ip self.udp_port=udp_port self.commOK=False self.lock= threading.Lock()
[docs] def _send_raw_cmd(self,cmd,timeout_in_seconds=2): '''Low level send command function ''' with self.lock: self._sock.sendto(cmd,(self.udp_ip,self.udp_port)) ready =[self._sock], [], [], timeout_in_seconds) if ready[0]: self.commOK=True response,(fromhost,fromport) = self._sock.recvfrom(1024) logging.debug(f"response: {response} host:{fromhost} port:{fromport}" ) else: self.commOK=False logging.debug(f"Socket timeout. {timeout_in_seconds}s without response" ) raise(NameError('SynscanSocketTimeoutError')) response = False return response
[docs] def _send_cmd(self,cmd,axis,data=None,ndigits=6): '''Command function ''' if data is None: ndigits=0 msg=bytes(f':{cmd}{axis}{self._int2hex(data,ndigits)}\r','utf-8') logging.debug(f'sending cmd:{msg}') raw_response=self._send_raw_cmd(msg) #If everything is OK first char must be '=' (code 61) if raw_response[0]==61: response=self._hex2int(raw_response[1:-1]) return response #If something goes wrong first char must be '!' (code 33) if raw_response[0]==33: ErrorDict={0:'UnknownCommand',1:'CommandLengthError',2:'MotorNotStopped',3:'InvalidCharacter', 4:'NotInitialized',5:'DriverSleeping',7:'PECTrainingIsRunning',8:'NoValidPECdata'} errorNumber=self._hex2int(raw_response[1:-1]) if errorNumber not in [0,1,2,3,4,5,7,8]: logging.warning(f'Unknown Error {raw_response}') raise(NameError('CMDUnknowError')) return False errorStr=ErrorDict[errorNumber] logging.warning(f'CMD:{msg} Error:{errorStr} {raw_response}') raise(NameError(errorStr)) return False #Catch the rest else: logging.warning(f'Unknown Error {raw_response}') raise(NameError('CMDUnknowError')) return False
[docs] def _int2hex(self,data,ndigits=6): ''' Convert data prior to send to the motors following Synscan Motor Protocol rules * 24 bits Data Sample: for HEX number 0x123456, in the data segment of a command or response, it is sent/received in this order: "5" "6" "3" "4" "1" "2". * 16 bits Data Sample: For HEX number 0x1234, in the data segment of a command or response, it is sent/received in this order: "3" "4" "1" "2". * 8 bits Data Sample: For HEX number 0x12, in the data segment of a command or response, it is sent/received in this order: "1" "2". ''' assert (ndigits in [0,1,2,4,6]), "ndigits must be one of [0,2,4,6]" if ndigits==6: strData=f'{data:06X}' if ndigits==4: strData=f'{data:04X}' if ndigits==2: strData=f'{data:02X}' if ndigits==1: strData=f'{data:01X}' if ndigits==0: strData=f'' length=len(strData) strHEX='' for i in range(length,0,-2): strHEX=strHEX+f'{strData[i-2:i]}' logging.debug(f'{data}(decimal) => {strData}(hex) => {strHEX}(synscan hex)') return strHEX
[docs] def _hex2int(self,data): ''' Convert data recived from motors following Synscan Motor Protocol rules * 24 bits Data Sample: for HEX number 0x123456, in the data segment of a command or response, it is sent/received in this order: "5" "6" "3" "4" "1" "2". * 16 bits Data Sample: For HEX number 0x1234, in the data segment of a command or response, it is sent/received in this order: "3" "4" "1" "2". * 8 bits Data Sample: For HEX number 0x12, in the data segment of a command or response, it is sent/received in this order: "1" "2". ''' strData=data.decode("utf-8") length=len(strData) assert (length<=6), f"Max allow value is FFFFFF. Actual={strData}" #Special cases #Some commands dont return data if length==0: return '' #Status msg only return 12 bits (1.5bytes or 3 hex digits) if length==3: logging.debug(f'3bytes response. Not converting to init. Returning as it as string') return strData #General case. Returned msd has 1,2,3 bytes (2,4 or 6 hex digits) logging.debug(f'Converting {strData} to a integer') strHEX='' for i in range(length,0,-2): strHEX=strHEX+f'{strData[i-2:i]}' v=int(strHEX,16) logging.debug(f'{strData}(synscan hex) => {strHEX}(hex) => {v}(decimal)') return v
[docs] def _test_comm(self): '''Control msg to check comms''' MESSAGE = b":F3\r""Testing comms. Asking if initialized..") response=self._send_raw_cmd(MESSAGE) if response == b'=\r':"Mount initialized. Connection OK" ) else:"Mount not initialized. Connection FAIL" )
if __name__ == '__main__': smc=comm() smc._int2hex(smc._hex2int(b'1FCA89')) smc._int2hex(smc._hex2int(b'5F3A'),4) smc._int2hex(smc._hex2int(b'B8'),2)